Website Security

Website Security

Secure your website and protect your customers. Website security should be at the top of your priorities!

We hear these stories from companies all the time – their customers call to inform them their website is down, Google warns visitors their website may have been hacked, and companies get sued when their clients’ information is stolen. But there’s still a tiny part of them that thinks, “This isn’t going to happen to me,” right? We’re going to be straightforward with you – your website security is at risk.

Why Do You Need A Security Maintenance Plan?

Hackers and malicious internet bots are constantly bombarding your website and trying to steal valuable information. With YellowDog’s website security services on your side, you’ll be assured your site’s core software and plugins stay up-to-date and protected so you can do what’s important to you.

Don’t Become Invisible

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are now punishing your website if it has security vulnerabilities. They will lower your page rank or not display your site at all. It’s hard enough fighting for the top spot on search engines, so don’t let security risks lower your opportunity to be found.

Time is On Your Side

Who has free time each week to update website files, troubleshoot a buggy plugin, or make sure your site’s security hasn’t been breached? Let us take care of it so you can focus on running your business. You need a trusted team who will monitor vital weekly plugin and theme updates to make sure they don’t harm your site.


Let us help you make your online business more successful. We are your St. Louis website security company, and we are ready to work with you! Call or email us today for a free consultation.